
Laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) to create therapeutic effects. The light that is transmitted via the laser helps stimulate certain processes within the body that help provide relief to symptoms including pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

There are different classes of lasers like the Class 3 laser which is a cold laser whereas the Class 4 laser produces heat. We decided to purchase a Class 4 laser because we are the team chiropractor for the Baltimore Orioles and that laser is a part of their treatment protocol. It has been a staple for the Orioles and now we’re able to offer this specialized treatment to all of our patients so they can take advantage of the wide variety of Class 4 laser therapy benefits.

How does Class 4 Laser Therapy Work?

The wavelength of the laser used in Class 4 laser therapy penetrates deeper and more efficiently than the Class 3 laser allowing it to pass energy to the nerve, muscle, ligament, and tendon tissue in a short amount of time. In fact, most sessions range from 2-6 minutes which means we can treat injured tissue in multiple areas in a single session thus improving your results.

Class 4 laser therapy stimulates the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which drives many of the processes within our cells. This increased production of ATP helps speed up the healing process within cells. In the video, Dr. Blake explains that as a result of increased ATP production the patient experiences an improvement of symptoms, including reduced pain, swelling, and range of motion and of course, the heat from the laser is soothing as well.